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  • April 5th, 2010

    How hot is hot enough?

    The first thing they tell you about a urine drug test is that they will check temperature of a sample. In most cases it wouldn’t be a problem, since urine naturally has the same temperature as the body. But sometimes a person cannot take a detox product to clean the urine and chooses to use synthetic urine – a clean sample that does not require abstinence. It seems like an easy way out; however, you need to keep in mind several factors, for example, legal monitoring of a test.

    - Hey, I got this urine from you, and it doesn’t work.
    - What do you mean?
    - Well, it doesn’t give me any temperature. I heated it in the microwave for ten seconds, and then I put the heater on it, and there’s nothing. So I put it in the microwave again, another ten seconds – I don’t see any coloring on it at all.
    - Well, if the temperature too high it would be out of the range and it won’t give you any color. Let it cool off, take the pad off; once the temperature goes down and is in the range between 90 and 100, you’ll see the color indication on the strip, and then you can re-apply the pad to keep it steady.
    - Oh, I see now! I thought it was too hot to be too cold, I mean I thought the strip read it as too cold, but the bottle was pretty hot to handle. It’s not going to spoil it, if I overheated it, is it?
    - No, synthetic urine does not go bad from overheating or freezing.
    - Ok, thanks!

    So that’s that. Sometimes it is hard to keep things simple, but such product as synthetic urine does make you feel a lot more confident about your drug test. Just need to make sure that you use it properly.

    How to pass