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  • October 17th, 2011

    How Long Does this Stuff Stay In My System? PCP

    Hey man, let’s smoke some dust! Smoking dust is another term for using PCP or Phencyclidine.  PCP is also known as angel dust, boat, hog, and love boat or peace pill.  It can be injected, snorted or swallowed and sometimes marijuana is laced with it and smoked. Smoking PCP gives the user a more rapid effect since it goes directly into the bloodstream.  Usually the marijuana or cigarette is dipped into a liquid form of PCP then set to dry.  This is known as “getting wet”.

    Detection time in the urine for a one time small dosage use can be from seven to fourteen days. The cutoff level for an immunoassay urine drug test is 29 ng/ml.  Detection time in a saliva drug test can be up to twenty four hours for a one time small dosage use.  If the person using it has a larger body mass or has been using PCP for a while the detection time may be longer.

    The psychoactive effect of PCP may only last for a few hours but it may remain present in your body for much longer than that.   Some research has found that use of PCP in rats and humans has induced symptoms of schizophrenia.  PCP was first produced in 1926 and was later tested after World War II to be used as an anesthetic but because of the adverse side effects like hallucinations and disorientation its use was discontinued until the 1950’s.  In 1953 it was patented and named Sernyl by Parke-Davis but was again shelved for use on humans because of its side effects.  In 1967 it was renamed Sernylan and was reintroduced as a veterinary anesthetic but was again discontinued because of its side effects.  This is why some people refer to it as horse tranquilizers.

    Low doses of PCP can result in a numb feeling, like being intoxicated, where it will cause the person to stagger, slur their words, lose balance and have bloodshot eyes.  Higher doses may lead the person into convulsions.   Those are the physical ramifications.  The psychological effects can range from suicidal impulses to hallucinations to paranoia to a highly euphoric feeling. The mood swings are highly unpredictable.  The individual may be prone to feelings of invincibility and strength which can occasionally turn into violent behavior.

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