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  • May 17th, 2010

    How long marijuana have been around?

    Did you know when people first discovered marijuana? In ancient language Sanskrit marijuana was called “ganjika” hence the modern word ganja. A burnt marijuana seed was found in archeological diggings in modern Romania, dating that seed back to the Neolithic era! According to historians, marijuana use was widely used in India, Syria, and all around South and Central Asia. Some experts say that marijuana was used as a holy sacrament of olden Jews and early Christians. There are even facts that Muslims used it in different Sufi orders during the time of Mamluk.
    Marijuana was brought in by Indian laborers to the Americans in the middle of the 19th century. Marijuana use was initiated during the time of Indian indenture system that was implemented by the British Empire. During the last several centuries hemp use was widely spread for textile and paper production. Along with the hemp cultivation, marijuana used rose as well. There are reasons to believe that among marijuana smokers were such people as Shakespeare, John Lennon, etc. Nowadays, marijuana use is spread all aver the world and different names that people use for this drug come from different cultures and centuries.

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