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  • October 10th, 2012

    How to pass a test at a doctor’s office

    When a person has been using illicit toxins and all of a sudden needs to get clean, successfully passing a drug test requires some actions. It could be a permanent detoxification, or a fast cleanse, unless, of course, you have been clean for a long time and do not require any assistance in getting clean. In some cases, toxins may be entering your body on a daily basis. For instance, if you are prescribed a medicine you have to take daily, it will bring the toxin level in the body through the roof. But to make matters worse, if you have been combining pills with some type of self-medication, it will make it difficult if you need to show one drug on the test day, but come up clean for another.

    -          Hi, is this a help line? I have a very weird question for you. You see, I have a urine drug test coming up, and I think I need some help so I can pass it. I used to have them when I was working all the time and I could pass those without any problems, but now I got hurt, and I sit at home all day. Basically, this test is for my doctor’s office – I have a pain prescription pills that I have to take every day, but I also smoke pot every day. And I was thinking – will this test be different than the ones employers do, or it is the same? And is there a way to come up clean for one toxin, but dirty for another?

    -          Unfortunately, physicians’ tests can be a little more precise than a standard drug testing. Generally, fast-acting detox products are not recommended for use when you need to show one of the substances on the test. The best way of going about it is to detoxify completely from the toxin you do not want to show on the test. The best permanent cleanser is a 7 day kit – this will help you purify the body in the short amount of time.

    How to pass
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