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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • November 30th, 2011

    It is glowing!

    Just because the label says something, it does not make it so. Make sure you do thorough research on a detox product you are about to consume way before your test day.

    -         Hi, I think I need help, and I really hope you can help me – I did something really stupid and now I am paying for it. You see, I did something I should not have done, and generally, I would not have a problem with it, but of course it had to go wrong – they asked me to come in for a urine test as soon as I could. I waited a couple of days, but I knew I could not pass on my own, so I got this super flush product. It is like a detox drink, and it says it is all natural, but here is the thing – the fluid was bright green, and when I was drinking it I did not really think of it, but now my urine is a bright green color! It is glowing neon! I do not know what to do, I do not want to go for my urine drug testing and fail it, because clearly they can see it is not normal for the urine to be this color! Shall I re-schedule it? Or is it normal for the drink to do this?

    -         If you are able to postpone the test, we suggest you do that. Unfortunately, we cannot speak for all the detox products out there, but if it says natural, it should not alter the color of the urine. You can try one of our products – they are 100% natural and guaranteed by manufacturers. Not only your urine will look completely normal, but it will also pass any lab urine test – just make sure you follow the instructions.

    How to pass