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  • November 9th, 2010

    Klonopin and risking a job

    Klonopin has been used for quiet some time now for treating seizures, psychiatric disorders, anxiety, and panic disorders. There are major risks when taking while pregnant.

    This medication can be habit-forming. In most cases there is a habit formed problem or a dependency issue when it comes to this specific drug and its sister drugs. This pill is in the Benzodiazepines better known as “Benzo.”

    Klonopin has a half life of about 18-50 hours depending on a lower dosage. The higher the dosage buy essay the longer the half life it has. So when you are wondering “how long will it take to get out of my system so I can pass a test?” now you know and can generally guess at when you will be clean.

    However, every ones metabolism is different when it comes to processing toxins out of there system. In some cases with 3mg doses taken on a longer dosage schedule it could last for 28-30 days in a urine test.

    Since Benzodiazepines are metabolized by the liver and excreted in the urine, drinking a lot of water may help slightly, but won’t increase the speed at which your body metabolizes the drug. The water may actually dilute the specimen. Now with newer an improved testing procedures, laboratories are able to test specifically for Benzodiazepines. These are generally a branch off of the Opiate family so if a 5 panel test shows positive for Opiate it may be due to the Benzo. However, in a 10 panel urine screen, saliva tests, and even hair follicle tests it automatically tests for Benzodiazepines.

    Your best bet is to do research on a detox product to make sure you are clean and will pass your test when it is given considering half-life can vary person to person.

    How to pass