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  • December 25th, 2012

    Last one for Xmas

    How long do toxins stay in your system? This is the most frequent question that people ask. The details of history of use and what toxin in particular is of interest are usually omitted. But the reason why this question is being asked more often around the holidays is not because a lot of people are being drug tested at this time, but because there are numerous parties to attend and some people think in advance on how to pass a drug test by timing their toxin use accordingly.

    -          Hello, I have a very candid question for you. I am in a situation where I need to pass a drug test every month, and it has not been a problem for me since usually I know when the drug test will happen, and I make sure I do not use anything way before then. But because of all this holidays time I am getting together with my family, and I know there will be pot around, and I cannot say “no” to my cousins – we grew up together, so I know I am going to smoke some. The only thing is – my drug testing will be this week, and I want to make sure I can pass. It is very serious; if I do not pass I will be in big trouble. How long will weed stay in my system if I smoke only this one night.

    -          Unfortunately, even from one time use THC can be detected in your system for at least a week, so if you know you have a test coming up shortly after the party – do not smoke. Drink an extra beer, eat an extra candy instead, but if you cannot help but smoke that night – make sure to stock up on detox products because you will not be able to pass the drug test on your own.

    How to pass