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  • August 5th, 2010

    Marijuana Problem

    What is the most popular drug nowadays? You don’t need any statistics to guess it right: marijuana. The most natural and subtle compared to “hard drugs,” this substance carries a light effect, but brings the most problems – not only with the law, but also for people who are trying to pass a drug test. Now, one would think that an employer would not be too concerned how the employees spend their time off, right? There might not be any obvious relationship between your “hobby” and work performance, as long as you don’t exercise it at work. However, there are single cases when whatever you did at home influences your work performance directly.

    Marijuana is legal in some states for medicinal uses, but is still illegal for everything else. Your neighbors might not mind the specific smell in the air, but you are risking being treated like a criminal if you test positive on a drug test! As viewed by authorities, marijuana use or possession punishment is not more severe than for getting a traffic ticket. It becomes a bigger problem if you get caught several times, or if they find large quantities. But regardless of how much or how often you smoked, there is another problem with marijuana, that is most annoying – its toxins stay in fat cell for a long period of time. From a one-time use, or even after passive smoking, THC metabolites make you test positive for at least a week! Don’t let your private life ruin your career – prepare yourself to pass a drug test ahead of time.

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