September 30th, 2011
Medicinal Use: Psychedelics Part 3 – Mushrooms 2
The recent study focusing in on “Magic Mushrooms” can actually fundamentally change the specific area of a person’s personality that centers on imagination and feeling, even aesthetics (the ability to view something as beautiful) which means that the use of the drug psilocybin can actually change a person’s creativity. Because the changes in personality have appeared to be long term scientists are currently very excited about the results from this study. The fact that a person wouldn’t need to continue medication everyday in order to deal with the problems in the life is very promising. They could potentially come in for a controlled and overseen dosage administered by a trained professional as little as once a year, potentially less.
The potential for this drug’s use medicinally because of this is great. The therapeutic uses alone…For example, helping a terminally ill patient (perhaps one suffering from an incurable form of cancer) could use this to help them cope with the depression and anxiety that often accompany terminally ill diseases. From large uses such as that, to small ones, like the potential for helping smokers quit smoking once and for all. All participants in the study conducted were well educated “psychologically” healthy individuals who practiced some form of spirituality (or religion). The patients in this experiment were exposed to many sessions, but during only one of these sessions was the patient actually given the hallucinogen. The rest of the time they participated they were given placebo’s.