October 5th, 2011
Medicinal Use: Psychedelics Part 4 – Mushrooms 3
It is important to note that trying this at home is not advisable. Currently the change in people’s personalities is viewed and valued by experts and civilians alike as a positive outcome, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that on your own at home you can recreate such results. This was a carefully controlled dosage in a carefully controlled study and much more research needs to be done before a definitive answer to the question of medicinal usefulness can be reached. The main reason that this research can be seen as such a breakthrough is the effect on personality. Currently your personality is viewed by the psychological community as something that is inherently a part of who you are and is fairly cemented into being by your late 20’s and definitively by your early 30’s. The fact that a change can be made at any point with the use of a drug as opposed to a violent traumatic experience is already newsworthy, even greater is the fact that unlike the other ways to change a person’s cemented personality, this would be a positive effect instead of a negative one, which was until thought to be the only potential change a personality could take on in later life.
The major downside to continuing said research currently is that at some point it will no longer be in such a well controlled environment, and in the past psychedelics have been shown to cause a person with paranoia and other depressive states a sense of further depression from where they normally reside. Meaning that those who have participated in studies up until this point were carefully screened before hand to make sure that the more negative side effects of the psychedelic would have little to no effect on these patients, but at some point a study will have to commence when that isn’t the case, and currently that would mean that those currently suffering from such strenuously debilitating mental diseases like agoraphobia and others in that category could potentially become even worse.