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  • October 21st, 2011

    Medicinal Use: Psychedelics Part 8

    In order to continue studies into the medicinal uses of these street drugs, as well as others, Doctors have to fight very hard to prove that they will be very responsible with both the research, the lock up of samples, and the administration to patients. There is a very fine line that Doctors and researchers must walk in the balancing act between the benefits of the research and the risks to the patients and the data that would be collected. One of the bigger issues forcing Doctors and researchers to fight for the continuation of these studies is patient care. A terminally ill patient has every right to receive full freedom from pain and symptoms if such a freedom exists. The side effects are just as important though, while a patient could become pain free, would they also then by use of psychedelics become mentally ill instead?

    The main challenge is funding. It is the government’s responsibility to provide funding into research for medical practices, but currently the research being done on street drugs and their potential for medicinal use is only being funded by private interest groups. A Doctor who is passionate about researching the subject will have to raise the funds for the research on his own. This is not the way it should be, but sadly until more of the public gets involved and starts to raise their voices to their government to make it clear that this type of research is not only warranted, but necessary at times like this in our country the red tape will continue to block the way.

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