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  • November 7th, 2012

    Mild Complete Body Detox

    Here at MB Detox, We regularly receive phone calls from customers who have stopped using or dont really use at all. They just want to completely clean out their body and rid themselves of the toxins that have been building up in their body, both natural and unnatural. They are not as concerned about passing drug tests or the best pass drug kits with same day results. This is why when our customers call we must review their exact needs.


    Do you know that your liver plays important roles in detoxification, hormonal balance, fat regulation, digestion and circulation? The healthy liver metabolizes the nutrients for life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and turns toxic materials into non-toxic substances for expulsion. Toxic substances (they include such substances as alcohol, recreational drugs, nicotine, etc.) end up stored in the liver. Once the buildup becomes too much, the liver begins to have trouble eliminating wastes from the body, as well as trouble with digestion of food. This then leads to a buildup of toxins in other organs, and in all the tissues of the body, including the brain. A buildup of this nature can be fatal, if the liver doesn’t first cease to function altogether.


    No matter how big or small you are, or how often you use drugs, natural toxins and drug metabolites build up in the body over time and are mainly stored in the fat cells. These fat cells do break down naturally over time, in usually about 90 days or so. A mild body detox will help expel these drug and toxins from the body, usually in about 30 days depending on your body size. Today we will review some of the mild body cleansing kits and best ways to a complete body detox.


    The Pretox Master Concentrated Capsules are made with the finest herbs gathered form around the world with the strength of niacin (vitamin B3) and ensures the success of your detoxifying process. The PreTox Master Concentrated Capsules temporarily facilitates the urinary process and helps the body to break the drug metabolites down and flush unwanted toxins out of your urinary tract.


    Vale’s Perma-Clean has been traditionally consumed to aid the liver in the elimination of toxins and to help promote healthy liver function. Vale’s Perma-Clean is a combination of two detoxifying formulas dispensed by healthcare professionals to help their patients with deep cellular cleansing. This combination of Milk Thistle, believed to block toxins from entering the liver and helps to remove toxins from and regenerate liver cells, and Burdock Root, which is an excellent tonic for the lungs and liver. These naturally mild detox agents stimulate the elimination of toxic waste through the skin and urine, improving digestion. It helps to promote healthy liver function that is so crucial to the body’s natural detoxifying process.


    The Herbal Clean Master Tea is a great compliment to any premium detox kit and a delicious drink that has been known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer. This detox tea gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of urine in your body and cleanse it. This detox tea is powered by the finest natural herbs, widely recognized to have cleansing qualities.


    If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions!

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