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  • June 27th, 2011

    Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 10

    Through research we have come across one final home remedy that many people seem to believe in, though we haven’t heard of it being used or referred to in recent years. It’s Sure Jell, sometimes referred to as Certo. The Certo Method for passing a Drug Test. These are brand names for a chemical called Pectin – a gelling agent used in Jams and other products to thicken them up. The chemical, derived from plants, is actually a fiber that passes through your system intact as your body doesn’t process or absorb it.

    The myth surrounding this particular product is this: The Sure Jell coats the stomach and intestines, preventing the metabolites from THC and other drugs from finding their way into your urine. This theory breaks down very simply; most toxins we bring into our body are carried in by smoke to the lungs. Meaning they never pass through your stomach to begin with. Beyond that it’s as liquids pass through your kidneys that the metabolites are actually removed and processed out of our bodies. As far as home remedies go this one isn’t as dangerous as some of the others can be to your internal systems, but it is by far one of the silliest out there.

    This may have helped people in the past with certain drugs, but most places you can find instructions that include a Certo program it’ll also be coupled with instructions to drink copious amounts of water. Meaning in the end you’re not passing the test because of the Certo, but because your sample is diluted. Years ago when it wasn’t common place for labs to test for dilution this could have actually helped, but nowadays a lab that doesn’t test for dilution is rare indeed. Beware this myth.

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