October 21st, 2009
Passing a drug test with someone else’s urine.
Using somebody’s urine to pass a drug test may sound like a good idea, but there may be several obstacles that one could encounter.
As an example, here is one of the recent experiences. A person had a urine test scheduled, but he knew that he would fail the test for sure using his own urine, as he was a heavy marijuana user (1-2 times a day on a daily basis for past 6 years). So why not to use a friend’s urine? Sounds like a good idea. Done…
After filling the specimen with friend’s urine in the lab, the person was told that they needed more and was asked to provide more urine. Of course, at that point there was no extra friend’s urine left so he had to use some of his own. Would that addition make him fail the test?
Well, it depends on the person’s level of toxins and the amount added. With the given situation there’s a big chance that the test would be failed. But the end of the story was that the test came out as cocaine positive and was failed. You are asking how could that happen? A person asked his friend before the test specifically about marihuana use, but the friend who was free of marijuana did cocaine in the past. And didn’t even think about that.
Are there any solutions?
The answer is “Yes” with several restrictions. One can use a synthetic urine instead of own if the lab is not specifically testing for synthetic urine and they don’t watch you.
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