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  • May 4th, 2012

    Pumpkin Seeds For Detox

    Do you want to detox your body?  Do you have the luxury of not having to meet a drug test deadline date?  If you don’t want to take a detox drink or use any detox products and are just looking to take your time and do it the natural way, then how about pumpkin seeds? That’s right, pumpkin seeds.  These seeds that are usually thrown away after carving your Halloween pumpkin can be put to good use in helping to cleanse your liver and intestines.

    Many cultures have used pumpkin seeds as a cure for tapeworms or roundworms.  These intestinal parasites can wreak havoc on your system but a pumpkin seed detox can help remove these harmful parasites from your intestines.  Symptoms of intestinal parasites include stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, gas and bloating and even passing a worm in your stool.  Before using a natural detox for intestinal parasites you should consult your physician first for a proper diagnosis.

    Most herbalist don’t just tell you to eat pumpkin seeds every day as a treatment, but usually they are recommended in larger quantities like up to 25 ounces for adults and then the are ground up and mixed with some type of juice and then ingested.  Afterwards, a laxative is administered and this is a good way to help clean the intestines.

    A good recipe for using pumpkin seeds is to create pumpkin seed milk.  You just take a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds, a quarter cup of pitted dates, some sea salt, one quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract and two and one half cups of water and put into a blender and purify. This is much tastier than eating raw pumpkin seeds and it is more effective in cleansing the intestines.

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