June 25th, 2013
Schools Out!!
Well, another school year is finally over. Now it is time to party! Graduation parties and cookouts will be going on from now until August and I am sure there will be some marijuana being smoked after the parents have all gone to bed. Hell, maybe the parents are the ones with the pot.
Just don’t get too carried away because you will have to look for a summer job unless you have a trust fund. Summer employment means summer drug tests and you don’t want to get passed over for that sweet summer job just because you have a little THC in your system. Be smart about it. You can pass a drug test with a little help from your friends. All you need is a little planning and a good detox drink or some synthetic urine to pass a drug test.
You should be prepared to give a clean urine sample or pass a saliva test by using some detox products. If you need to pass a urine test then you will need a good solid detox drink and maybe some detox pills to use on your test day to give you a three to five hour window provide a clean sample to your prospective employer. Just stop smoking two days before your test and use the detox drink and detox pills two hours before your test and you will pass. Use a home test strip to check your urine at home before you go in to provide your sample and you will get the job! Good Luck!!