June 19th, 2013
Smoking Pot versus Vaporizing Pros and Cons Part 2
People who vaporize their marijuana receive a higher dose of the psychoactive substance (THC) than people who smoke the marijuana because there is some loss during the combustion process. So it should be no surprise to them that it may take longer to pass a drug test because there are more THC metabolites in their system than if they had smoked the same amount of marijuana. This is one of the benefits of vaporizing over smoking marijuana.
The amount of cannabinoids delivered during the vaporizing process is so much greater because over eighty percent of the smoke that is ingested when you light a joint or take a bong hit does not contain any cannabinoids at all but potentially harmful elements like carbon monoxide that will not get you high but may be detrimental to your respiratory system. On the other hand when you vaporize marijuana the gasses that you are inhaling contain over ninety percent of the cannabinoids that the smoker seeks for that feeling that started them smoking pot in the first place.
Vaporizing can also be used to bolster the argument for the usage of medical marijuana since the delivery system reduces the risk of inhaling harmful toxins like carbon monoxide to deliver the potentially beneficial element of THC to the patient. Like THC concentrated pills, vaporizing takes out some of the risk while delivering the active ingredient delta 9 tetrahydrocannibinol more efficiently and with fewer side effects.
(To Be Continued)