March 23rd, 2012
Spring Cleaning!!
Spring has sprung! It is time for spring cleaning. It is time to clean out the gutters, the garage, the attic and the back yard. Why not take this opportunity to clean out your body? You don’t just have to wait to try to clean your system to pass a drug test. Do it now before you accumulate more unhealthy metabolites. Detoxifying your system from toxins like THC, cocaine, methamphetamine and even prescription drugs can make you feel much more healthy and confident.
If you need to pass a urine test, pass a saliva test or pass a blood test you usually wait until the last minute and rush to buy a detox drink or detox pills. This can be expensive and nerve wracking. Detox products aren’t just for people trying to pass a drug test. We accumulate all kinds of unwanted pollutants over time just by being exposed to things like smog, cooking utensils and food additives. Heavy metals like aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and copper can be building up in your system, slowing you down and even leading to some serious health problems. Prescription medications, over the counter medications and even preservatives commonly found in food may also leave behind unwanted metabolites. THC metabolites can get trapped in the fat cells so they take a very long time to leave your system.
You may have smoked your last joint weeks or even months ago and still fail a urine drug test. Detox drinks are only a temporary flush so you may need to use a stronger detox product to permanently cleanse your system or dramatically lower your toxin levels.