August 16th, 2013
Testing Is All About Timing (Continued)
By abstaining from toxins approximately forty eight hours before submitting a saliva sample you can pass a saliva test by using a detox mouthwash about five minutes before you are to be swab tested. The detox mouthwash will last about forty to forty five minutes so timing is critical using this detox product. This is because there is a constant turnover of saliva in your mouth and the metabolites are released more rapidly in the saliva and the detox mouthwash has more work to do removing the metabolites in your saliva sample.
If you need to pass a hair test then the detox shampoos that you need are to be used on the day you are to provide your hair sample but they only are effective on the hair for about eight to ten hours while the follicle is still attached to your head. Once the follicles are removed from the blood flow on your head then the toxins in those follicles will remain undetectable for the life of the sample. There are procedures that you can undertake in the days leading up to your hair test that will help the detox shampoo work a little better like washing your hair with vinegar to remove any oil build up that would block the detox shampoo from penetrating the hair follicle a little easier.
If you have been notified that you need to pass a urine test in a few minutes, hours or the next day then you have no alternative other that to use synthetic urine to pass a drug test. This is the best detox product to use in an emergency. Remember that tome is on your side, use it wisely.