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  • November 1st, 2010

    The difficulties of Methamphetamine…

    Methamphetamine also known as Meth or Crystal Meth is a ridiculous drug to quit or detox from. I will continue my knowledge by calling the above substance Meth.

    While doing some research I have seen and read what Meth is capable if doing to someone and I think it is one of the most horrific drugs I have ever studied. I am amazed that there are not Zombies or Nut Jobs running around the entire world in front of me everyday. It is confusing that there are so many addicted and how many laboratories/ cooking labs are out there.

    Now I am not saying by any means am I an angel. I can say through that I would have never thought to smoke urine, pesticides, gasoline, and God knows what else just to get high and lose some weight.

    Regardless I have done some research on urine testing. This may become confusing and if it does I apologize but just re read it until you understand. So when Methamphetamine is tested for in a urine test there are 2 things the lab will be looking for “Methamphetamine” & “Amphetamine”. Reason for this is it is a sure fire way to know for sure if someone was using Meth. How you ask? But doesn’t some over the counter medicines show up at MET or AMP on a drug test?

    The answer is yes now read closely. According to our wonderful Government and State Law makers they have all been able to afford this testing we call GC/MS to verify a possible False-Positive.

    Methamphetamine breaks down and turns into Amphetamine metabolite that will show in a GC/MS. A regular urine test will usually show Meth. Question about cold medicine. Well, Pseudoephedrine (pronounced “sue doe fed rine”) a common active ingredient in cold medicine can thermally be degraded to Meth and may cause the false positive I just mentioned. However, here is the catch no Amphetamine can be generated in this process. So either was when they confirm it your caught for using Methamphetamines.

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