May 10th, 2011
The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Burdock Root (Part 4)
Okay so you’ve got your morning newspaper. You’ve got your morning cup of coffee and you’ve got a drug test coming up soon. What do you do now? Well you can look in the want ads for a new job that you’ll need once you’ve failed your drug test because you smoked some marijuana and it is still in your system. You could just substitute that morning cup of coffee for a morning cup of tea, detoxifying tea to be more precise. These detoxifying teas contain many herbs that on their own help with ridding the body of toxins but these herbs blended together act as a super detoxifier ridding the body of harmful toxins in a much more rapid pace than if your body just naturally acted to rid itself of these toxins.
One of these herbs is burdock root. Burdock root is beneficial for a helping the body with a number of ailments ranging from acne to sinusitis. It is a mild diuretic so it will help expel the toxins out of your system almost immediately. Burdock root has a sweet taste and has been used throughout history by different civilizations to treat ailments such as measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, viruses, and throat pain. Burdock root contains calcium, potassium, copper, iron and many other minerals and vitamins. It also has antibacterial elements that are helpful with urinary infections and skin ulcers. Because of its antibacterial properties, burdock root was often used to treat snake bites by ancient civilizations. It was often used topically to treat eczema and psoriasis. The Chinese believed that Burdock root was an effective aphrodisiac.
(To Be Continued)