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  • July 4th, 2011

    The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Corn Silk Part 15

    Corn silk is the hair-like substance that surrounds the kernels of corn underneath the husk to protect them from outside elements.  Corn silk is usually thrown away when the corn is prepared for cooking but it has many health benefits that should be considered before discarding the silk.  This is why it is one of the main ingredients that are included in our detox tea blends.

    Corn silk is a very powerful diuretic and can be very helpful with problems related to the bladder and the urinary tract.  It can be used to reduce inflammation of the prostate and other kidney related problems.  Corn silk can help people who are suffering from water retention due to PMS or other kidney problems.  It can help children or adults with bedwetting problems.

    Corn silk contains vitamin K which is very beneficial in controlling bleed in especially during childbirth.  A number of ailments can be alleviated with the use of corn silk including: gout, gonorrhea, cystitis, urethritis, urinary tract infections, hardening of the arteries, gall bladder stones, and the mumps.  It may also help to lower blood sugar levels.  It can also alleviate pain from carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Corn silk may aid people who are suffering from obesity because it acts like a diuretic and helps with water retention.  Corn silk is just one of the ingredients in our detoxifying tea blends but it can be made into a tea just by itself by steeping it in hot water for a few minutes and then straining the water into a cup.

    (To Be Continued)

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