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  • March 5th, 2012

    The Truth About False Positives – Part 5

    The real problem facing the public in relation to all of these false positives in field tests is the fact that it is up to each law enforcement agency, at the state level, to take note of these startling facts and make a change in their policy and procedure. They have to voluntarily end the administration of these tests. Statistics make it clear that doing so would protect far more innocent victims of these tests, than it would convict guilty ones.

    The recommendations of the scientists and research body that have looked into these tests is that not only should all tests be thrown away, but that perhaps charges be brought against the company that was making them in the first place, since clearly all the promises of quality products are false advertising at the very least. Most of the companies who manufacture the specific tests in question did not want to comment on the validity of the results their tests have. Marking their boxes with a warning about false positives but not indicating that most positives are in fact false.

    The products themselves have put away and brought charges against many innocent people, dragging their good names through the dirt. What was most surprising to many police officials is that so many normal household items would cause a positive test result. Apparently, if a person were to eat a chocolate bar minutes before taking a test they could test positive for marijuana and possibly other drugs. What these tests do is put a whole new spin on “Innocent until proven guilty”.

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