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  • June 1st, 2010

    To use yours or not to use yours?

    Ok so how many times have you had a urine drug test and did not know what to do? First thought comes to your head….. “I will just use someone else’s urine.” Ok then next step is finding a donor that has not taken anything in a long time even cold medicine because cold medicine can give you positive results.

    So you find someone to do it for you. Now you’re risking getting caught. Has the thought crossed your mind yet that the lab you are going to is going to check the urine to see if it is body temperature? Now you’re trying to figure out how to keep it warm so you microwave it. Wait how long do I microwave it for?

    After microwaving it you think to yourself how do I know if it is too hot? So you go and grab and old school thermometer from your bathroom you know the kind with mercury on the bottom. You take the temp of the urine.

    You then realize it is way to hot you broke the thermometer and now have mercury in the urine. So now what? Are you really considering trying to scoop out the mercury with a spoon? What about the horrid smell that is coming from 120 degree urine? What are you thinking?

    How about you keep in the back of your mind from now on that synthetic urine is your best possible route. You can keep it at body temperature with no effort at all. It has all the properties of REAL human urine. It is also PH balanced so I lab cannot detect that the product is synthetic. Not to mention you wont be some guy with a positive pregnancy result if you use the synthetic.

    How to pass
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