May 24th, 2012
Unbelievably Hot
Most of the detox products are pretty simple to use, and as long as you read the instructions before you use it – it is pretty much guaranteed successful drug test result. In any case, you have to be careful to do everything right, and make sure not to overdo it.
- Hi, can I ask questions about drug testing here? I had to go for a urine test today, and I smoke almost every day – not a lot, just a little bit, but almost daily. So I knew there would be no way that I could pass. So I went and got this synthetic urine thing – my buddy said it is the best thing ever, so I used it. The only problem is – when I was opening the heating pad the thing ripped up, and I could not use it. I panicked, but decided to go with the plan; I stuck it in the microwave for like a minute and a half, I think it was almost boiling then, so that it would cool down to the normal temperature when I get there. And I thought it did, but they told me that the results showed “abnormal specimen.” What does that mean? Did it go bad because I boiled it?
- More than likely not – it takes a lot for synthetic urine to go bad. Abnormal specimen can also mean that the temperature was off – too high or too low compared to the norms for human urine.
- Ah, I guess that is it – it kind of felt too warm when I was pouring it. Thanks a lot, you have answered my question!