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  • April 12th, 2012

    Unpredictable details

    What is the most uncomfortable conversation you have ever had? When speaking about detox product all bets are off. Not only you have to be frank and describe exactly what you have been taking, how much, how often, and all those absolutely necessary questions. That is one thing, but if something goes wrong you also need to be able to tell the truth. If you have slipped up – admit it, if your body weight is not what you want it to be – say it like it is. When choosing a detox product that is right for you, no small detail should be omitted. You can never know what is going to matter, so try to think of every little detail that you think may be of significance.

    -         I have tried this detox drink, and it did not work properly. I mean it worked, but not as it should – it made me go to the bathroom right away, and after the five times I could not go anymore, and had to drink additional water. Of course, that diluted my urine and they rescheduled me. I had to go back to the lab the next day so I could pass urine drug test. As it turned out I have gotten too much of a drink – I had 24 ounces, when I should have had only 16 because I weigh only 120lbs. I did not think that this would matter, but apparently it does. I thought the more the better, but it turned out otherwise.

    How to pass
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