May 3rd, 2012
Unpredicted trouble
All detox products are created to assist people in passing a drug test. Specific products were created to accommodate every possible need of a customer, and there is always something useful for every one. Naturally, each product comes with complete instructions – to read those instructions carefully is the responsibility of the reader.
- I have a huge problem here! And it is all your fault! I got your product right here, and I think you sent me a defected one! I really doubt that it was supposed to explode, did it?
- What exactly happened?
- Well, I got this fake urine thing, and before I utilized any of it I made sure to do my research and read about it! So now I have a huge problem – I went to heat it up in the microwave as the instructions told me to, and the whole thing just exploded!
- Wait, the urine exploded? Did you loosen the cap?
- No, not the urine – the heating pad! I was supposed to microwave it, and it blew up!
- Oh, no! I am sorry, but you were supposed to heat up the bottle with the urine in the microwave, not the pad…
- Well, if I don’t heat up the pad – how is it going to get warm, eh?
- The heating pad is air activated, and needs to be attached to the bottle with a rubber band. When you opened the package it should have been already attached to each other, you just needed to activate the pad and put it back.
- Man, so what do I do now? I still have the urine, and my microwave is messed up now, too…
- See if you can get a new heating pad, and make sure not to put it in the microwave this time.
- Yeah, ok, I’ll try. Thanks.