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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • November 29th, 2012

    What’s the big difference?

    Urine drug testing is not as easy as it may seem. The testing labs accuracy is not the same as dip stick tests, and if you think you can fool a test at home by diluting your urine, the same trick may not work in a lab setting. But do not freak out – not every urine test goes through a lab. If you want to find out whether or not to use a detox product that will guarantee you to pass a test, you may want to do some research on the type of test you will have.

    -         Hi, I have a urine test coming up, and it is for a real good job, so I want to make sure that I pass it. I wanted to buy this detox drink, but I wanted to know first – what is the difference between this cranberry flavored drink, and just a regular cranberry juice. I got a couple of instant drug tests to check it out at home, and it looks like it is working – I am not getting any lines at all when I drink whole bunch of cranberry juice and test myself after that.

    -         First of all, if you are not getting any lines it means that the test is invalid. For the test to show negative, you need two solid lines to show. Secondly, detox drink is a specialized product that was blended together with herbs and vitamins so that does not dilute your urine, but keeps it normal while flushing out all toxins. So if you want to make sure you pass a drug test, you may want to spend a little for it.

    -         Wow, I guess you right, I had a suspicion that I was reading those tests wrong. Thanks a lot!

    How to pass
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