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  • September 25th, 2012

    When In Doubt Work Out!

    We are constantly receiving phone calls from people asking the same question: “How long will a certain drug stay in my system? If there was one simple answer for everyone then I would play the lottery and get the winning numbers every time.  The truth is detection times of different drugs vary with the individual.  Let’s take THC for example.  When you smoke marijuana the THC is processed by your body and the metabolites are then stored in your fat cells.  It stands to reason then that the larger the person the more fat cells that person would have so the longer the THC will be present in your system.  Also, the longer you have smoked then the more THC metabolites you have building up in your system.

    Working out will burn more fat cells which is where most drug metabolites are stored. By burning of the fat cells you will lessen the detection time of the drug when taking a drug urine test or saliva test.  Unfortunately, this will do little to help you pass a hair test since the drug metabolite remain in the hair until the hair follicle grows long enough for the toxins to be removed by cutting them out.

    Your body mass has a lot to do with how long certain drugs remain in your system.  The larger the person the slower their metabolic rate tends to be.  By working out you can decrease your fat to body mass ratio and expedite the removal of the harmful toxins in your system.  So get to the gym and start the detox process quicker than by sitting idly by waiting for your drug test!

    How to pass