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  • December 27th, 2010

    Why employment tests can be different

    Every person who is working or looking for work is aware of drug testing procedures he or she needs to undergo. Every employer has different needs hence different requirements for a drug test. Hair, blood, saliva and urine drug tests are the ones to choose from and the only way to find out which one a particular company decided to go with is to inquire within. Depending on the purpose of drug testing, an employer can to check for present use, recent or usage in the past. If there is a large number of samples to be tested and there is no known relationship between an employee performance and the actual test taking, there is a high chance that an employer will choose to go with an inexpensive, easy to administer and quick in providing the results kind of test – a quick screen or dipsticks. These types of tests are easy to pass as long as you prepare yourself ahead of time. Choosing between various sensitivity cut-off levels, an employer can choose to run a confirmatory test for every positive sample. The costs of confirmatory tests are a little higher, but it is a small price to pay in order to ensure that the test showed a positive due to the dug use or prescription medication and not because to some error or unusual food intake. Most confirmatory tests are urine test using the same sample that was provided for the initial screening, however, in post-accident (normally, with consequences) and “for-cause” tests blood samples may be taken. If initial screening can be done right on-the-job site, confirmatory tests are only preformed in off-site labs.

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