June 7th, 2011
Why Fat?
If you smoke pot, or if you ever did, or if you ever dealt with anyone who did, you probably have heard that marijuana is “stored in body fat.” If that is true, does that also mean that the effects of marijuana last for days and days, until it is all gone? If toxins are stored in fat and you never work out – does it mean that you will have them in you forever? And if it is so – how come one cannot feel the effects of pot for days, but only for few hours?
The answer lies in correct wording: it is not toxins or marijuana that is stored in the body fatty tissue, but its by-product – THC, marijuana metabolite. The presence of this element in blood or urine is measured to determine recent use of cannabis, but THC itself is practically harmful. It does not produce any of the effects on human body that marijuana does, and eventually it leaves the body – the less you have smoked, the sooner it will be gone. Despite the fact that so many people believe that this by-product of marijuana causes all kinds of problems while in a body, tests have proven otherwise. When cannabis is consumed, the psychoactive aspects of it are used up pretty fast, and the residue of the drug that remains in the fatty tissues does not have the same effect, or any effect whatsoever. THC stored by a body’s fat cells is not harmful at all, neither to the body nor the brain, and it is just a matter of time when a person will get rid of it.