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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test And Creatinine

    Read about the relation between drug test and creatinine

    When it comes to passing a drug test, you will go for everything that you know on planet. You will get dozen full of ideas from your friends suggesting you to do different this to pass a single drug test. Are you to face a urine drug test? Then you should go for drink and excrete drug test. However, this is not a simple idea because if you leave it half way then you will surely fail the test even if your sample did not show up traces of any drug. How? For that you should understand the relation between drug test and creatinine. In this article you will find the right answer.

    The most commonly conducted drug test is the urine dug test which is also called as the dirty drug test. So, if you want to pass dirty drug test then the first idea that will click to your mind is to drink excess of water and excrete well. However before you try it get a complete detail about it. This idea is based on the same concept on which the urine drug test is based. When a person consumes drug the particles are stored in the fats cells in the body. When these cells are burnt then they release these stuck particles. Drinking excess of water flushes away the particles from the system and will let you urinate more than normal and you will excrete more.

    However, when you drink excess of water and urinate frequently you are actually diluting your urine from within. This will also let the metabolites from your body excrete. This excess of dilution will make it obvious for the technicians to realize that you have diluted you urine and you will be claimed as a drug addict. To save yourself from it you will have to increase the level of creatinine in your body. This can be done by eating excess of red meat juts before the test. If you dilute your urine and also increase the level of creatinine then you will be able to pass a drug test.

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