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  • October 19th, 2010

    Drug Testing And Cheating

    All about drug testing and cheating

    Does drug testing and cheating intimidate you? Well don’t let it. This is the very process that actually helps people around the world with the slightest trace of drugs in their systems to get on with life despite a lab test. If you are called in for a swab of mouth drug test or any other one, detox is your best bet. The body detoxifies itself on a daily basis through the process of perspiration and urination. This is one reason why a rigorous workout helps as this speeds up perspiration and in the process, helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Even if the body detoxifies itself naturally on a daily basis, you will have to make an extra effort to flush out toxins out of the body. This can be done by drinking large quantities of water, fresh fruit juices, citric juices, and at times if fresh citric juice is not available, you could even consider canned citric fruit juices to detoxify yourself.

    Fruits like strawberry, cranberry, blueberries, etc. are considered to have a good number of antioxidants, which are excellent in flushing out toxins out of the body. Colored vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, broccoli, etc. are also very rich in antioxidants which help in flushing out toxins out of the body before the drug test. Making these a part of your regular diet will certainly help. Such fruits as well as vegetables are very effective in curing various types of cancers too, and hence are considered to be healthy food items.

    Drinking lots of fresh water will also help in flushing out toxins from the body before a drug test. Increase the intake of water and you will see that you get a urine sample which is clean and clear. You have got sufficient days on hand before the drug test, you can start eating fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants so that you flush out toxins in an effective way. Depending on the toxicity in your body, accordingly, necessary steps can be taken to come clear in the drug test. Try talking to a friend of yours who has already been through swab of mouth drug test or any other test before. He will surely be able to provide you with guidelines on methods to beat the drug test.

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