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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

24/7 toll free call line (866) 600-0032
  • October 18th, 2013

    Exit Strategy

    Here at MB Detox, We regularly receive phone calls from customers who want to completely clean out their body in addition to passing a drug test. Many people believe the best and fastest way to expel unwanted toxins is through the urinary tract, but this is far from true. The bowels can actually expel up to 5 times as much toxins as the urinary tract. The best detox kit will have the addition of natural fiber which will help excrete a majority of THC [metabolites] and will also help by binding bile-acids in the intestines.
    Dancing poop
    No matter how big or small you are, or how often you use drugs, toxins and drug metabolites build up in the body over time and are mainly stored in the fat cells. These fat cells do break down naturally over time. A good full body drug detox will help expel these drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size.

    Our premium 7 day detox kit works best for those who have quit drugs and just want to completely clean or detox their body. It is also guaranteed to pass a drug test and is very effective as a body drug detox. The premium detox 7 day kit will help to expel all drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size.

    If you have any questions or need help choosing the best detox drinks and detox pills appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our trained detox product professionals will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions and then recommend the detox kit best for you!

    How to pass