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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Fake Drug Test

    How to fake drug test and pass

    Drug addicts are not the type who would give up drugs so easily. When you have been repeatedly consuming drugs of different kinds for a long time, then you will have no choice but to become a drug addict which is really a shameful title indeed. There are other kinds of drug abusers who keep consuming toxic substances occasionally and have to try different ways to pass drug test. How to fake drug test and pass it is the first thing that comes to the mind of such individuals, especially if they have been given a short duration to appear for the drug testing procedure. Sometimes even one days notice is enough and you could get rid of the toxic substance in your body.

    If toxic content in your body is very high then it may take a number of days to get rid of the drugs in your body. The first thing to do is stop intake of the toxic substance completely. Over a period of days, the toxic levels will slowly diminish and you would be able to pass drug test in an effective manner. Hair follicle drug test natural cleaner is very necessary if you have to get rid of toxic substances at the root of hair follicles. Special shampoos, conditioners as well as serums are available in the market which can help in washing off the toxic substances at the root of hair.

    How to fake drug test and pass it? You could even try producing hair sample of another person for the drug test. This can be done if you are producing the sample under no supervision at all. Your friends or colleagues hair sample would do, but make sure that he or she is also not on substance abuse as you, or else you would be landing into further complex issues instead of getting them resolved. Try and check whether there is any other effective method of passing hair drug test. You could even try a hair follicle drug test natural cleaner or a detox product especially for a hair test which could help you to beat a drug test in the best possible manner. Home remedies have proved to be very effective, so try considering them first. Why waste money when all the help you need is in the larder?

    How to pass
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