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  • November 17th, 2010

    How To Mask Drug Test

    Read to know how to mask drug test.

    Drug test is an important test in your life and you have to pass it at any cost, because failing a drug test has many undesired consequences. If you do not want to fail a drug test and get behind the bars, then you should know how to mask drugs from your system. So, that they are not detected in the drug test. If you too have to face a drug test, then you should know how to mask drug test? This article will give you some effective points about how to do so?

    There are different methods to mask drugs from your system, depending on the type of drug test that you are going to face and also on the drug that is going to be tested. You need to also examine your own self because clearing drugs from your body depends on a lot on your physique. The height, weight and the exercise factor of the person consuming drugs has to be also considered to clear the system from drugs.

    Here are some common methods to mask drugs from your system:

    A. How to mask drugs from your Urine: Well, this is quite simple. Either by substitution or by dilution. Both these ways are effective to pass a drug test for urine. This method will also answer this question, how to pass a drug test for weed, because most of the weed detecting devices detect it from the urine sample

    B. How to mask drugs from your Hair: You can use detox kits to pass drug test. These kits clean the hair right from its rot where the drug residue is found you will even cover the drug from being detected during the test. This is a temporary solution to pass the test.

    C. How to mask drugs from your Saliva: To pass a mouth swab test is quite easy. You just need to brush your teeth well and floss them. Using Listerine will reduce the chances of you being caught.

    These were some ways to mask your drugs for different drug tests. Try them and you will surely get some positive results.

    How to pass