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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pass A Drug Test With Synthetic Urine

    Read more pass a drug test with synthetic urine.

    Most of the people are looking for best and effective ways to beat the drug test within a day. Now under such circumstances there is only one proven way, which is use of urine substitution. You can use friend’s urine as a sample of your own, provided you know that your friend is clean and does not prolong with any smoking history. However, it is strongly recommended for use of synthetic urine. Here are the some reasons-

    1. In drug screening, it is not detectable.
    2. It gives you 100% satisfied result every time. Its failure rate is almost negligible.
    3. Simple to use and masking the attempt of tampering.
    4. Avails efficient result against all the drugs and every drug testing form like EMIT or advance analytical techniques like GC/MS tests.
    5. You can get synthetic urine product which are having patent of use.
    6. Synthetic urine works each time with same effectiveness, no matter it is laboratory test, random or pre employment test.
    7. To maintain the temperature of the sample, synthetic urine sample can be warmed unlimited times. Even though you can maintain the integrity of it.

    Along with this technique you can try out some homemade tricks for passing drug tests. However, it is necessary to check what myths are and what tricks are actually working. Many people think that having vinegar will cover up drug presence. Well, it is not useful. Vinegar decreases the pH level of urine. When you tampered urine sample with acids, excretion rate of amphetamines increases multi times. Hence, drinking vinegar may reduce this detection period of amphetamines. If you are looking for covering up marijuana drug traces, then this method is certainly not much useful. Another simple home made trick to beat drug test is having lot of fiber intake in daily meal. Fiber diet proves much effective to redirect fat soluble drug metabolites. However, remember that having high fiber shows only temporary result. This method is useful to pass drug test against marijuana. It is advisable to have high fiber intake together with detox product. THC traces are eliminated via stools in the form of bile acids. Another advantage of fiber is it reduces adverse effect of detox products on body.

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