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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Pass Drug Test One Week

    How to pass drug test one week.

    Do you know the fact that getting false positive result for marijuana is very rare? It is because of the fact that, now there are so many advance and sophisticated technologies are used. Drug testing laboratories are first going through simple screening method. This is perform as per the EMIT standards or RIA regulations. If your result for these test return positive then they are send for GCMS screening. GCMS technologies are quite advance and never leave any false positive result. Now, most importantly are you able to pass drug test one week. Well, there are lots of aspects involved in it. Depending on your gender, body mass, smoking history , overall metabolic rate you can predict that whether you will pass a drug test in week or not. Here are the some methods to fool the screening test.

    Very first try to wash out self from the drug remnants. There are several ways to do so. Lots of products, detox drinks and home remedies. Select one of them which you think as better with your body type and up to the budget. Detox drinks help to urinate before the screening. More times you pass the urine, better are the chances of getting clean result. Eat citrus fruits along with it. They are consist natural detoxification agent which makes body clean from drug metabolites. If your budget permits then you can have another safe choice of detox products. You have huge choice of selection in this option. However, it is advisable that first you verify with the substance use in it. Ask your friends and families about their view for that product. It is always better that you have some prior research work on it. If detox product fail to show any effect, stop having it immediately.

    Most often asked question is does water help pass drug test? Yes it does. But then there are many concerns in the use of water. Very first, water is most effective dilutives. It also speeds up the rate of metabolic conversion. However, do not over flood your system with the water. It will cause water intoxication which tends to be very risky. Remember that, there is no great option than quitting drug intake. When you stop taking drugs, your body automatically starts working on accumulated drug parts.

    How to pass