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  • November 17th, 2010

    Substituting Urine On Drug Test

    Substituting urine on drug test is common

    Substituting urine on drug test is one of best ways to understand the tampering. It is one of the worst cases of tampering. Tampering is done to make things easy for the ones who need to skip or escape the test. There are many ways in which you can get the tests done. You can buy a home based drug testing kit and start the drug testing yourself. When you pass drug test the feeling that you get is great as you have passed all the barriers. Different drugs stay for different timings in the human system. Weed in drug test have a definite time for which it stays in the system and can be detected.

    The time window is very important and this will make sure about the quantity of the drug in the blood as well. Replacing the urine sample to pass the drug test in case of urine is very common. People go to laboratory with the sample ready and they quickly replace the sample with the sample which they are carrying. You should always check that the sample that you are carrying is free of toxins. Toxin free sample are always available in the market which is known as synthetic urine and this helps you to clear the entire test that is done on the basis of boy fluids for example urine.

    There are substances which cause false positive drug test. 4-Way Nasal Spray – false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine , Accutrim – false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth , Acet-AM – false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates , Acro-Lase Plus contains barbiturates , Actifed – false positive for Amphetamines , Advil – false positive for THC, Marijuana . These substances which cause these tests are bound to create the changes.

    Among the reasons for false drug test laboratory mismanagement is one of them. Sample mixing is not an easy process as it involves a lot of knowledge and research. A slight mistake can make things work in a different direction altogether. You should always make it a point to talk to your doctor before taking up any such tests. Ask for different types of drug test from the laboratory person so that you reach a concrete solution. Research about the medication is always very important and it will lead to success.

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