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  • December 24th, 2010

    Synthetic Urine For A Drug Test

    Synthetic Urine For a Drug Test

    Drug test is the procedure to determine drug use by a person. A sample of body hair or body fluid like urine, blood, saliva or sweat of the person is taken and scanned for the presence of drug residues. If drug residues are present and their concentration is above a certain pre-determined level then a second test, the confirmatory drug test is conducted. If the result is repeated, the person is declared as a drug user. Drug tests are meant to discourage drug use. Testing positive in a drug test or simply not being able to pass drug test is enough to discourage a person from taking up or continuing with drugs.

    The urine drug test is the most common of all the drug tests. This is because it is a kind of an optimum test in all respects – cost, accuracy and detection period. Because the test is so common there is a lot of informal information about how to pass this test. Also, there is a lot of misinformation. One such piece of misinformation is that you can use synthetic urine for a drug test that takes urine as sample and pass the test. Those who manufacture drug test passing products probably invented this rumor. It is based on the premise that you can provide “clean” synthetic urine in place of your own urine when you are alone in the chamber where you retire to urinate in the sampler cup.

    These days you are strictly supervised. Before entering the peeing chamber you are made to change into a hospital gown to eliminate the possibility of you carrying any extra thing inside. Furthermore, the temperature of the urine sample is immediately checked. If it is not in the range of body temperature, your mischief will immediately become apparent. Apart from this, the water supply in the washroom / peeing chamber is temporarily suspended to prevent you from diluting the urine sample. All this has made tampering with or substitution of the urine sample a near impossible affair. The best method to pass any drug test is not to use drugs and stay away from those medicines and foods that will give a false positive result.

    How to pass