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  • December 24th, 2010

    Urine Additive To Pass Drug Test

    Read more on scientific testing on marijuana.

    Urine additives: One of the most efficient and comparatively cheaper way to beat the drug test. Urine additives are nothing but the chemical formulation, which disrupt the drug screening completely. Very much advantageous in cheating random drug test. Simpler to use, works every single time and among the one most trusted method. Actually urine additives performs two different ways. Some acts as chemicals which destroys the presence of drug toxins from the body, where as some restricts the ability of drug testing method to check drug metabolic presence.

    Urine additives are comes as micro vial and very small in size. So that you can easily concealed use of it. They are capable of throwing all the drug toxins from the body almost immediately. All urine additives are successfully work against EMIT as well as GC/MS test. Some urine additives have capability to throw prescription medications as well. This eliminates the need of giving list of prescribed medicines to testing authority. Furthermore, they are pH balanced and having right protein amount. Do your research work and go for a additive which gives negative result for all the drugs. Here are some steps for taking urine additives correctly.

    1. Do not miss your daily food intake as well as water. Try to drink more water.

    2. Before going for actual screening, urinate 3-4 times.

    3. Do not overdose your daily water intake, it may lead for water intoxication.

    4. Shake the vials before use.

    5. fill the vials completely with 90 ml urine sample.

    If you are looking forward for urine testing against THC presence, read scientific testing on marijuana first.

    1. Marijuana or THC is fat soluble substance. THC metabolic start accumulating inside the fat cells making it very difficult for the body to remove.

    2. Rate of metabolic conversion for marijuana is very slow.

    3.To pass the drug test against marijuana, you need to attack on drug metabolites only.

    4.With the help of detox products, home remedies, proper diet you can lower down the toxic value below threshold.

    5. Marijuana have longest drug detection value. It have cut off value of 0.5ng/mL.

    How to pass