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  • February 16th, 2011

    Ways To Clean Out Your System For A Drug Test

    Read the ways to clean out your system for a drug test.

    A large number of people find themselves subject to a drug testing program on a short notice these days. Employers are now permitted to perform random checks on their employees on periodical basis. Every employer expects their employees to be free from substance abuse. There are several reasons for why one may be tested for drug use, ranging from a drug test ordered by a court to random drug testing in workplace. The drug testing protocol worries even the most innocent person, so many people are found taking precautions to pass a drug test. The controversy on drug test and privacy invasion is still debated. Although, drug tests are direct invasion to an individual’s privacy right, employers continue with he drug screening programs.

    The employers use drug tests as a way to limit the liability and discard those employees indulging in substance abuse. There are several ways to clean out your system for a drug test. The most effective way to pass a drug test is just say no to illegal drug and alcohol. If you are on recreational drugs, then make sure that you stay clean for at least a week prior to the drug test. Drink large amount s of water and citric fruit juices. The more you drink, the faster the toxins will be washed out of the system. Always have a glass of water in your hand for the entire week prior to your personal deadline. Keep drinking even if you are not thirsty. Nothing works as get as water to thrash the waste and toxins.

    Cut down on fatty and greasy food stuffs. Eat as many veggies, proteins, fibers and carbohydrates as you can. They help detoxify the system faster. Drinking cranberry juice will help cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Exercising will help flush the drug metabolites that get stored in the lipid cells. Stop exercising a couple of days prior to the test. Follow these healthy habits for the rest of your life and you will never have to worry about a drug test in future!

    How to pass