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  • November 9th, 2010

    Can Cranberry Juice Help You Pass A Drug Test

    Read can cranberry juice help you pass a drug test?

    Drug test are done to find out whether a person has abused illegal drugs or not. It has become quite popular in colleges, schools and workplaces. This has resulted in finding out solutions for passing a drug test by the abusers. With the advent of many detox products and kits, passing a drug test has become an easy job. A lot of people taking a shot often wonder can cranberry juice help you pass a drug test! Yeah it indeed will help you pass a urine drug test. Read this article to find out more.

    Cranberry juice is a natural diuretic, which can be easily used at home as one of the natural methods to pass a drug test. Cranberry juice will, for some time, dilute your urine. It will stimulate urination which will help striping out THC from the system. THC drug test how long depends on several conditions and factors. Cranberry juice also helps balancing the pH level in the urine which is likely to decrease in case of dilution.
    How will cranberry juice help you pass a drug test?

    Abusers can have a few glasses of cranberry juice prior to test. This will help them urinate frequently and throw off the drug residues from the system. If you are going to face a drug test and you get a notice before you can start drinking a gallon or more water along with a few glasses of cranberry juice in between. This is one of the best methods to flush off the drug residues from the system.

    If the organization you are working in often conducts a drug test or follows random drug testing methods then the abusers can carry a bottle of cranberry juice along with them always. This will help them in case of random drug testing as it will help them urinate just before the test and clean their system with the help of this natural diuretic.


    Cranberry juice can cause a pH shift which will alter the chemistry of the test by making the urine acidic.

    Cranberry juice consists of benzoic acid which will help in changing the ph. Because of the frequent urination and dilution, metabolites won’t reach up to a level of detection. Alteration of urine ph could result in false negative result.

    How to pass