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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Detection Times In Saliva

    Drug testing has become a hot topic in the world of professionalism. Even in the field of sports, drug testing has always been an important criterion. This test is conducted based on the blood, saliva as well as hair samples to see what kind of drugs are there in the body. This is done to put a red line for drug users and to stop this abuse from spreading.

    Saliva drug test is one of the most common forms of test. It is noted for its easy collection methods and is not complicated unlike other methods. The drug detection times in saliva are very less. In no time it gives trustworthy results. Saliva is refined plasma and can retain the drug traces as well as the metabolites for almost a day or two. This makes saliva drug testing so famous. All the testers need is to get a saliva kit from the market and then place it in the mouth of the person. The kit will take the saliva from the mouth via a membrane and will wet the saliva strips-made out of antigen dyes. Here are some time detection for various drugs:

    - Alcohol-12 hours
    - PCP-A few minutes
    - Methamphetamine and ecstasy – half an hour from ingestion up to 3 days
    - Amphetamines- few minutes or 3 days
    - Opiates-an hour or 3 days
    - Cocaine-from a few minutes to one day
    - Cannabis- from a few minutes to one day

    Saliva drug test is economical and does not incur lot of money. Drug tests that yield results from blood or hair samples can be very expensive and time consuming as well. Saliva drug test also allows a faster analysis. In case of the drug detection times in saliva, it is good to know that this method is donor friendly and can be collected in no time. As simple kit can do the needful and there is no need for a special place to get the sample. Saliva drug test can detect almost 8 important drugs at a time. So this is often used by employers across the globe. This is one of the most used techniques for a pre-employment drug testing and can be conducted even in the workplace. One does not need yo hanker for laboratories to perform this test.

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