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Category: How to pass

  • No wait time

    Posted on June 1st, 2012 How to pass

    As it should be, all detox products come with complete instructions. If there are no instructions on the box, you may want to consider returning it. This is the first sign of suspicion when they sell you something, but do not tell you how to use it. Another red flag to look out for is a claim that any particular detox product makes you clean overnight, or better yet – within minutes. Detoxification is a serious process and it takes time. Permanent detox can take anywhere from a week up to several weeks depending on toxin level and metabolism rate. It does not matter how much of a detox product you can take in a day – the toxins could be stored deep inside your body, so time is essential element in detoxification process. There are no magical products that will purify a whole body in the matter of hours. The only thing that is possible within hours is a quick flush of a urinary tract. It is possible to get a clean urine sample with the right product, and only if the toxin level was minimized beforehand – that is a person has to stay clean for a few days before using a detox drink. Without minimizing the toxin level it will be almost impossible for the product to work, so beware of any label that omits this information.  No wait time sign on a label can look very attractive, but if you truly want successful test results – make sure you put some time into the cleansing process, not just effort.

  • Sweat Patch Drug Test

    Posted on May 31st, 2012 How to pass

    We have been getting more and more calls about the “sweat patch”, most are either complaints or worries of false positives. Here’s what we know about the patch.

    In use since the late 1990’s by mainly federal probation officers and other judicial enforcement bodies as not only a test but as a deterrent to continued drug use. The patch device is made of a gauze cushion and a casing that looks a lot like a band-aid and sticks securely to the skin of the subject. The patch uses sweat as the specimen source and is worn on the skin for up to 14 days but usually for only about 7 days. It provides an alternative to urine collection and offers a number of advantages to probation and parole officers because it also increases the time detection window to include any period when it is worn.

    With sweat patch drug testing the parent drug as well as the drug metabolite can typically be detected. Therefore, it is easier to identify which drug was actually taken. However, a well known forensic scientist claims the patches are not reliable. This well known university professor said in an interview that a 1999 study showed that even trace amounts of drug residue can contaminate the outside of the patch and cause a positive result. These trace amounts can possibly be air born cross contamination from active users in the probation office or simply from the general public. False positive results may also be due to the carelessness of the person applying and removing the patch since most of these people lack medical experience.

    If you are required to wear a drug test patch a critical cleaning package or premium detox 7 day kit should be used prior to its application. You should also discuss with the issuing person your concerns of its accuracy and what other test you are allowed to take if a false positive result is returned.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    There are products to pass drug test available that will help you pass a urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test, Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Detox, Retox, Detox

    Posted on May 30th, 2012 How to pass

    So you made a New Year’s resolution to stop partying and you’ve managed to make it this far without faltering but that holiday weekend came and went and that resolution went up in smoke.  It’s such a shame because you have been so good up until now.  Old friends and relatives gathered and old habits die hard.  To make matters worse, you think that you might have to pass a drug test in a few weeks for your job.  What to do?

    You know that THC can stay in your system for a few weeks and you might fail a urine drug test.  You can take a detox drink or some detox capsules on your test day and you will pass your test, but you could just kick yourself for having a weak moment like that.  Peer pressure will do it every time.  You have fallen into a familiar pattern of detox, retox, and detox.  You are not alone.  To get back on track you can remove the THC metabolites from your system permanently by using some type of seven day comprehensive cleansing program.

    The THC metabolites are stored in the fat cells and you need to break these fat cells down to release the THC metabolites quickly.  The detox drinks are only a temporary cleanse and you want to get back to where you were before the weekend.  Since your toxin levels will be relatively low because it was just a few days of indiscretion you can most likely rid these THC metabolites from your system within the seven to ten day period from one detox kit.  Just make sure that you stay away from fatty and sugary foods and get plenty of exercise and drink water to help speed up the process and get these toxins out of your system permanently.

  • Could not resist

    Posted on May 29th, 2012 How to pass

    Detoxing is not an easy process. It is easier for some than others, but overall it takes a lot of willpower to complete the process and not to start smoking again once you got completely clean. Not only you need to make sure you stay clean and follow all the procedures, but also you need to change the environment because it is very hard to resist a temptation to smoke when a friend lights one up. But even staying at home can lead to trouble.

    -          Hi there, I think I need your help again. I have ordered this permanent detox kit, and I used almost all of it, and then I smoked some. I know I was not supposed to, but I slipped. So I think I have to start over all this cleansing, don’t I?

    -          Unfortunately, yes. Once you contaminate your body with toxins, it is almost as if you did not stop smoking at all.

    -          Yeah, I know. You see, I made sure I stay home all through the weekend, and made sure I do not go to any parties just to stay out of trouble, and then guess what? – in all the movies I was watching they were smoking reefer! I do not understand it – if it is supposed to be so bad for you, why is it so popular in the movies? So anyway, I smoked a little bit, and now I have to start all over again. Oh man, it is so hard to make up your mind, you know? On one hand you have all these health nuts, and then you have your buddies who could not care less, and I am just not sure which one I am. I do need to get clean before my test, but I think I am going to start up again once all is over. Well, thanks a bunch!

  • I need to pass a drug test

    Posted on May 28th, 2012 How to pass

    We receive many calls wanting to know how to pass a drug test and if a pass drug test guaranteed. There are many ways to pass a drug test, even random drug test where you have very little notice. When our customers call we review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test.

    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Helpful Herbs Red Raspberry Leaf

    Posted on May 25th, 2012 How to pass

    The red raspberry is a very popular treat in the summertime.  The leaf of the red raspberry is also one of the many herbs found in detox products.  The leaf of the red raspberry has been used medicinally for many generations in folk medicine because it is very abundant in vitamins, mineral, and something called tannins.  Tannins are compounds that bind to proteins and other organic compounds like amino acids and alkaloids. Tannins in the fruit are what cause the dry and tartness in the fruit when eaten.

    Red raspberry leaves are high in antioxidants. They have been used for centuries by herbalists and in folk medicine to treat cold sores, canker sores, anemia, constipation, leg cramps, diarrhea and morning sickness for women who are pregnant. The leaves are also believed to prevent miscarriages and eliminate some of the pain associated with child birth. It is also believed to reduce blood sugar levels so that it may be helpful to those who suffer from diabetes. Because of its astringent properties, red raspberry leaves can be used as a topical treatment to help with acne and other skin irritations.

    Red raspberry leaf when brewed into a tea and consumed by women who are pregnant and it will strengthen the walls of their uterus it eases the pain of childbirth to some degree and regulates the pain after childbirth.  It is also believed to increase fertility in both men and women.   The red raspberry leaf is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and calcium and iron.  Also found in the leaves are vitamin A and B complex, as well as, phosphorous and potassium.  The ancient Greeks and Romans used a raspberry leaf tea to treat sore throats and other mouth irritations.

  • Unbelievably Hot

    Posted on May 24th, 2012 How to pass

    Most of the detox products are pretty simple to use, and as long as you read the instructions before you use it – it is pretty much guaranteed successful drug test result. In any case, you have to be careful to do everything right, and make sure not to overdo it.

    -          Hi, can I ask questions about drug testing here? I had to go for a urine test today, and I smoke almost every day – not a lot, just a little bit, but almost daily. So I knew there would be no way that I could pass. So I went and got this synthetic urine thing – my buddy said it is the best thing ever, so I used it. The only problem is – when I was opening the heating pad the thing ripped up, and I could not use it. I panicked, but decided to go with the plan; I stuck it in the microwave for like a minute and a half, I think it was almost boiling then, so that it would cool down to the normal temperature when I get there. And I thought it did, but they told me that the results showed “abnormal specimen.” What does that mean? Did it go bad because I boiled it?

    -          More than likely not – it takes a lot for synthetic urine to go bad. Abnormal specimen can also mean that the temperature was off – too high or too low compared to the norms for human urine.

    -          Ah, I guess that is it – it kind of felt too warm when I was pouring it. Thanks a lot, you have answered my question!

  • What is an Invalid drug test?

    Posted on May 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    If you receive a urine drug test result that is labeled as “invalid” or “inconclusive” this could be due an unidentified substance in the sample or the sample had some abnormal characteristics that “red flagged” the drug test.

    Keep in mind… the best method to pass a random drug test to use synthetic urine

    The most common explanations that are listed for invalid test are:

    Sample not suitable for testing. This covers a wide range of reasons and most likely is due to one or more of the following.

    pH is out of range, this is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the urine is. If a sample has been artificially watered down then the pH will be too high and invalid.

    Temperature of the specimen is too hot or too cold. Urine test samples should be about 96 o F for 4 minutes in the sample container.

    GC/MS interference, is caused by use of over the counter (OTC) medications such as high concentration of ibuprofen.

    Immunoassay interference, also may be caused by OTC’s or Tylenol 3 drug test.

    Creatinine < or = 5 but the specific gravity is within normal limits, is noted if the creatine levels within the urine sample are too low, this again can be caused by drinking too much water prior to the test or by directly diluting the sample with water or other liquids.

    In most cases, if an invalid drug test result is returned the drug testing lab may simply ask you to retest. This is entirely up to the prospective employer.  Since the employer would have to bear the cost of issuing 2 tests for 1 applicant, many will simply look at an “invalid” as a positive drug test result and will not offer a retest. If you think your drug test may be invalid, it is best to inquire as to the retesting policy or, even better, reschedule the test if at all possible.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    There are products to pass drug test available that will help you pass a urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test, Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Drug Test? No Sweat! Part 2

    Posted on May 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    There are pros and cons to this type of testing.  On the plus side, there is a longer window of detection time since the subject wears the patch for at least seven days and it also serves as an impediment to the person wearing the patch from doing drugs while wearing the patch. Each patch has an identification number encoded on it to prevent substitution of a similar patch. It is quickly and easily removed and the samples can not be diluted like a urine specimen. On the downside the sweat patch can produce false positives because of contamination from external sources.  If there is a residue from any drugs left on the outside of the skin it can be construed as drugs that have been ingested.  Also if the person applying the patch is careless and has not sterilized the area where the patch was placed, this may provide a false positive as well.  With the Sweat Patch, both the “Parent” drug and the drug metabolite can be detected so it gives a better analysis of which drugs can be found in the system.  Some drugs such as heroin and codeine produce the same metabolite so there can be no distinction between which drug was taken, but with the Sweat Patch there can be a certain distinction which drug was used.  The patch must be worn for at least a twenty four hour period before any drugs can be detected and if worn for a seven day period then drugs taken on day one will be detected as well as drugs taken on day seven.  When the patch is removed, it is held up to the light and inspected for any holes that may be present to indicate tampering.  The length of time someone can wear the patch varies but it should not be worn more than fourteen days.  Because the skin has about fifteen to twenty layers and the top layer of the skin is constantly shedding, then the patch can only be worn for a certain length of time.  The adhesive can only hold for a certain amount of time because of the constant shedding of skin.

    The patches screen for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines/ methamphetamines and PCP.

  • A little too much

    Posted on May 21st, 2012 How to pass

    Asking for advice is always a good thing, especially when something as serious as s drug test is about to happen, but in some situations you have to be careful and think twice before actually following the advice you were given.

    -         Hi there! I have a question – how do they know if you used something in your urine? I mean – how can they tell? You see, the thing is – I went to get my urine test done, and I knew that I would not pass it on my own, so I used a little trick to make it pass. A friend of mine said I can try a detox drink, but they are kind of expensive. And he also told me that I can add a little bit of eye drops into the cup, and that will make the urine clean! I went out and got some right before I had to go pass a drug test, but now I am not sure if I poured enough, maybe just a couple drops was not enough? I was afraid that if I pour too much they will be able to tell there is something in it, you know? So, what is the deal with this? How much is enough?

    -         Unfortunately, such additive as eye drops is not a very good masking agent. It does not make your urine clean of toxins, but actually adds chemicals to the sample that can be detected during a drug test. In most cases, even a few drops can affect the test results and show up as a possible sample

    -         Oh, no! They can see that? Even if it is a little bit? Oh, man, I wish I knew that earlier. I am definitely going to have to retest now… Can you overnight me some detox products?