Some reports of how the synthetic weed affects the user suggest that it is not exactly like the high you get from smoking natural marijuana. Regular marijuana highs are normally associated with a little paranoia and some sleepiness, but the synthetic marijuana has been reported to cause dizziness, nausea, agitation, hallucinations, elevated blood pressure and an abnormally rapid heart beat. Another adverse effect would be the damage to the throat and lungs. This product is mainly sold under the guise of incense and when smoked it can leave a burning sensation in both the throat and lungs. Smoking any substance can do damage to your respiratory system but smoking incense can leave a burning sensation for hours after you’ve finished smoking.
Smoking synthetic marijuana while drinking alcohol can exacerbate hangovers. According to people who have used the synthetic marijuana, the “high” only lasts about one half hour as opposed to real marijuana which lasts much longer. One positive effect on the smoker is that the synthetic marijuana doesn’t bring on the “munchies” like the real marijuana does according to some who have smoked it.
The state of Pennsylvania recently passed a law banning the sale and possession of synthetic marijuana, often marketed as “bath salts” or incense adding these chemical compounds to the list of controlled substances. According to Pennsylvania state law, a substance on this list must have a high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use in the United States and lack medical safety. The law penalizes the offender with up to one year in prison and a $5,000 fine for possession and up to five years and $15,000 fine for those caught with intent to distribute the substance.