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Category: How to pass

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 7

    Posted on June 14th, 2011 How to pass

    Other methods for passing a drug test that people have employed over the years are sometimes simpler to explain away. Fiber is the perfect example of this. Often times, people have believed that a high fiber diet for the week leading up to a drug test would help them pass. The reason people have believed this is because a diet that is high in fiber redirects a greater portion of the fat soluble metabolites present in your digestive tract away from your urinary tract and towards the colon. Meaning that it acts almost like a crossing guard for the foods and liquids leaving your stomach after digestion, what would normally and naturally head towards your kidneys, to then be processed out as urine, is then sent towards the colon to be processed out of your body as fecal matter.

    However, while this in theory is a good idea, a high fiber diet will only lower your toxin level, and it will only do this for a short period of time. The effects only last so long as the fiber is still in your system, meaning that if you’re not doing a constant intake of foods that are high in fiber your stomach is not doing a constant inventory of the things leaving it and marking them for where they should go. You only eat so much during the day, but all day long, every moment that you’re awake – and even sometimes while you sleep – your body is burning fat cells that contain the drug metabolites.  So long as your body is processing these metabolites they will find their way into your blood stream and urinary tract, and that’s just the truth of the matter.

    Besides, a high fiber diet can lead to digestive tract complications that end up keeping you tied to the bathroom all day long. Be careful if you choose to help along a previously purchased Detox Product with a high fiber diet that you don’t overdo it. It’s a good idea to exercise and eat the right foods, but you can just as easily make yourself sick if you don’t follow directions and do a little research before starting any new diet program.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Horsetail Shavegrass Blade Part 10

    Posted on June 13th, 2011 How to pass

    Waiter, there’s a horse’s tail in my tea!  Relax, that is not an actual horse’s tail in the detoxifying tea blends that we carry.  It is actually an herb called horsetail, known in scientific terms as Equisetum Arvense.  It is also known as horse willow, toad pipe, bottle brush, Dutch rushes, and Shavegrass.  This herb comes from a family of plants that actually date back three hundred million years.  No wonder it is good for your health.  Anything that can last three hundred million years must be doing something right.

    The ancient Romans used this herb to cure kidney and bladder infections, bleeding ulcers, arthritis, and tuberculosis.  The Chinese have used this herb for centuries to alleviate fever and inflammations of the eyes and other areas such as hemorrhoids.   It is also very beneficial in strengthening bones because it contains silica which helps the body store more calcium and calcium builds stronger bones and tendons.  Horsetail also can be used to treat tuberculosis and emphysema.

    Horsetail is included in our detox teas because it is one of the best diuretics found in nature.  Because it is a wonderful diuretic, it has the ability to eliminate a lot of water from the body so care must be taken when ingesting it.  It will increase urination and is often found in many weight loss products.  Horsetail can eradicate bacterial and inflammatory diseases out of the lower urinary tract and help get rid of kidney and bladder stones.  It provides nourishment to the hair, nails, skin, bones and connective tissue.

    Russian researchers have recently done studies suggesting that horsetail can be helpful in removing harmful lead accumulation in the body.  Using horsetail to gargle with can relieve mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, and sore throats.  Taken internally, it can stop bleeding from ulcers and help reduce heavy menstrual flow.  It contains an acid called equisetic acid which has been found to be a heart and nerve sedative which becomes poisonous when abnormally high amounts of this acid are introduced into your system.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Why Does It Matter?

    Posted on June 10th, 2011 How to pass

    When faced with a necessity of passing a drug test, people deal with the problem differently. Sometimes it is best just to stay clean for a few days or weeks, and then just go for it – it is when you schedule it on your own time, when there is no hurry. When a drug test is sprung on you all of a sudden – there are faster ways to pass it when you are pressed for time. Depending on person’s preferences and the type of test they face, one can use a detox drink or flushing tablets. For very desperate situations there is synthetic urine. If it is other than a urine test, there are mouthwashes, shampoos, and tablets to clean out blood if necessary. But why it is important to know which product is right for you?

    Imagine that you grabbed a product that gets rid of marijuana – you are confident that it will work because your friend used the same thing last month when they had drug testing at their work. So you get the product, use it as directed, show up for your test and instead of urine (the one your friend had) it is a saliva test. You are confident in the test results up until a moment you find out that you actually failed. Only then you start to wonder and realize that with a little research before the testing you would have known that the product you have used is only good for getting urine clean, not saliva.

    It is a very common mistake that people make – not doing thorough research as far as type of test is concerned.

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 6

    Posted on June 9th, 2011 How to pass

    Bleach, cannot help you pass your drug test, no matter which way it is you try to use it. You will never successfully pass a drug test when Bleach is the method you employ. Despite immense amounts of research on this particularly nasty myth surrounding drug testing, we have yet to find a singular explanation for why someone would ever believe that bleach could help them pass a drug test at any point in time.

    We do not know how this rumor legend began. We do not know how it spread so far. We do know this however, the original rumor was that you were supposed to add a few drops of bleach directly to your urine sample in order to cleanse it from any present toxins. Somehow from this belief – which is not at all true by the way; adding bleach directly to your urine sample will not cleanse it like it would your laundry. It will however change the pH levels of the sample, change the temperature, and change the color, making it obvious to the lab that you’re purposefully trying to tamper with the sample – some people became convinced that you needed not to add it directly to the sample, but to yourself, as in drinking the bleach and ingesting it directly.

    Not only is that a very bad idea as it’s extremely harmful to your internal system, but by the time any amount of bleach small enough to NOT kill you or harm you in any way gets to the urinary tract it would have been nullified by your stomach acids. Please don’t try to drink the bleach in order to pass your urine drug test. This is just a bad idea in so many ways.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Echinacea Root Part 9

    Posted on June 8th, 2011 How to pass

    Echinacea has been used for centuries by many civilizations to cure a wide array of ailments.  Also known as the purple coneflower, Echinacea is primarily used to treat or prevent colds and stimulate the body’s immune system to treat infections.  People who suffer from bad acne, boils and other skin afflictions can benefit greatly from this supplement.

    Echinacea increases the hemoglobin levels in the blood so it improves the quality of your blood.  Many people have always relied on Echinacea to help alleviate the symptoms of the common cold. Native Americans used Echinacea to treat a variety of ailments such as toothaches, sore throats, tonsillitis and chronic coughs.

    Echinacea increases the production of white blood cells which combat any invasive organisms that infect your body.  That is why at the first symptom of a cold or flu many rely on Echinacea to stop it from getting worse.  It also stimulates a part of our immune system known as interferon which is one of the most vital parts of our immune system that helps fight cancer cells.  Many who suffer from arthritis would benefit from the use of Echinacea because it helps reduce inflammation while enhancing the immune system while steroids actually suppress the immune system.  Echinacea helps bind cells together to prevent bacteria from entering the cells which bolsters the immune system.  It is often added to Vitamin C supplements to increase the power of the Vitamin C to prevent colds and flu.  Echinacea is very helpful with tissue function and maintaining healthy bone marrow.  It acts as a wonderful blood purifier as well.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Why Fat?

    Posted on June 7th, 2011 How to pass

    If you smoke pot, or if you ever did, or if you ever dealt with anyone who did, you probably have heard that marijuana is “stored in body fat.” If that is true, does that also mean that the effects of marijuana last for days and days, until it is all gone? If toxins are stored in fat and you never work out – does it mean that you will have them in you forever? And if it is so – how come one cannot feel the effects of pot for days, but only for few hours?
    The answer lies in correct wording: it is not toxins or marijuana that is stored in the body fatty tissue, but its by-product – THC, marijuana metabolite. The presence of this element in blood or urine is measured to determine recent use of cannabis, but THC itself is practically harmful. It does not produce any of the effects on human body that marijuana does, and eventually it leaves the body – the less you have smoked, the sooner it will be gone. Despite the fact that so many people believe that this by-product of marijuana causes all kinds of problems while in a body, tests have proven otherwise. When cannabis is consumed, the psychoactive aspects of it are used up pretty fast, and the residue of the drug that remains in the fatty tissues does not have the same effect, or any effect whatsoever. THC stored by a body’s fat cells is not harmful at all, neither to the body nor the brain, and it is just a matter of time when a person will get rid of it.

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 5

    Posted on June 6th, 2011 How to pass

    Vinegar. Vinegar is quite possibly one of the most insidious myths out there today. We get calls all the time from people about how they drank vinegar and it made them sick to their stomachs. People have told us about how they have used vinegar in their attempts to pass drug tests. The truth about vinegar is this: it does not work. It does not remove any toxins from your system, nor does it cleanse any toxins from your urine when you add vinegar to it directly. But people are convinced that Vinegar will work. Why has vinegar become so popular as a means for defeating tests, when it doesn’t do you any good at all? Because it changes the pH (or the acidic level of a liquid) of the sample. Your urine is supposed to have a pH of a certain acceptable level. When you drink vinegar or add it directly to your urine sample, you are changing the pH level. The reason this can be helpful to some is if they have diluted their sample with excessive amounts of water. When you dilute your sample by drinking excessive amounts of water you are effectively lowering the pH level of your urine sample. By drinking vinegar – or adding a few drops directly to your sample – you’re raising the pH level back up to an acceptable number.

    But again, that your urine sample has a normal pH level isn’t nearly enough for a lab. It also must have proper balance, color, creatine levels, and temperature. As well as many other acceptable factors of a urine sample. Which again brings us around to the point that you could find all the things you need to temporarily cleanse your system of toxins at home, but why spend all that time and money hunting down the exact right vitamins, when you can save yourself the headache and trouble, by purchasing a pre-made Detox Product that already has all the things you need in it.

    Beyond that, labs do test a urine sample for evidence of adulteration (or any method by which you have purposefully changed the urine sample that was provided). pH level is a big one, if the pH level is not within the norm then they will automatically refuse the sample and assume you purposefully tried to mess with it. Some labs go so far as to find this to be purposeful tampering and will automatically fail you for it. Do not risk it when there are so many products already available to you that won’t show up on an adulteration test, and will help you pass your test.

  • Florida State Law: Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients

    Posted on June 3rd, 2011 How to pass

    Florida is known as the Sunshine State.  It has lots of sunny beaches and beautiful waterways and now it has a new controversial law.  Florida State Law HB 353 was signed into law by Governor Rick Scott on May 31, 2011 after approximately five months in the legislature.  HB 353 requires Florida welfare recipients and applicants to undergo drug testing at their own expense in order to receive their benefits.  If they pass the drug screening, they will be reimbursed for the expense of the test.  If they fail their drug screening then they will be ineligible to receive benefits for up to one year or until they complete a drug treatment program.  If the recipient is found in violation of a second drug screening then there will be a three year ban on receiving any assistance from the state.

    The law is expected to become effective on July 1, 2011.  Since there are a lot of single mothers who are on welfare in Florida and they are considered to be the head of household there have been measures put in place to protect the children of these recipients should they test positive.  So that the eligibility of the children is not affected the law stipulates that a third party, or protective payee, can receive the benefits for the children to assure that their assistance is not interrupted provided the third party passes a drug screen also.

    The governor and the Republican controlled legislature argue that this law will prevent taxpayer money to be used to fuel a drug habit while opponents of the new law, including the ACLU argue that this is a violation of invasion of privacy laws.  The ACLU has argued that a similar law enacted in Michigan was overturned by the federal courts in 2003 for violating the Fourth Amendment right to illegal searches and seizures.

  • The Pros and Cons of Drug Testing in School

    Posted on June 3rd, 2011 How to pass


    Education has been a significant part of every person’s life. Today, due to rapid reports of drug abuse inside the school, the government has ordered mandatory drug testing to be performed to the students. There are a   lot of pros and cons in doing drug tests inside the school premises. Recently, it has been a popular topic of discussion debated among the students, their parents and their teachers. Parents disagree on random drug tests because they see it as an ineffective way of preventing the students in the use of drugs and that it invades the privacy of the students. The main purpose of drug testing which is held at schools is not to actually catch the students who have been exposed to drug use, but to prevent them from using or practicing the use of any illegal drugs at any point of time in their life. Immediate prevention must be implemented because once a student or a teenager start to use drugs, it will be harder to break their drug addiction. Peer pressure is one of the considered factors contributing to a large number of students who are testing positive in drugs. They are sometimes forced to try drugs just to be accepted by their classmates. A method of testing for drugs in school can be to screen first the students who have the greatest influence on students, like the athletes, cheerleaders and student council leaders. If they can be they can be convinced to refrain from using drugs, then there is greater chance for other students to abstain from drug use as well.
    But this method may sometimes be hard to exercise since the system of our government suggests that we are all innocent and that unless there is compelling evidence to question the student’s innocence, he/she may refuse the drug test. Some schools give random drug testing to their students since this method can result in deterrence among the students. The most common students which may be subject for this test are the athletes of the school because some are believed to be using anabolic steroids to improve their performance. The school will only have power to require the student in a drug test if there is reasonable evidence seen in behavior, appearance or speech of the student. Another law regarding the conduction of drug tests is that a person is not subject to a drug test if the group he/she belongs to, have been found guilty of drug abuse.

  • Oh, no! I cannot believe I did that!

    Posted on June 2nd, 2011 How to pass

    Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation that makes you do things that you never had done before and would never do unless you absolutely had to.

    When facing the necessity of passing a drug test, some people go to the extremes in order to achieve the results that they want.

    -          Hello. I have never called such a hot line before so I hope I am doing this right. I have got a little bit awkward situation. You see, I need to give a urine sample today, and I have not exactly been clean for too long. Well, not at all, to be honest. So I got this liquid stuff at this little shop, you know what I am talking about? So this magic drink was supposed to clean me out for my test. Anyways, I drank the stuff and it was not exactly pleasing. I had to chug it down because it was gross and thick and… anyway, it did not go down too well. I do not know how to say it… it made me throw up. But I have to pass this test! I kind of made an attempt to… eeh… consume it again, you know what I mean?  Well, not all of it… But now I am not sure if it will work? Can you help me?

    -          Detox drinks are meant to help you pass a drug test, but you have to do something too – by abstaining from any toxins you are reducing your toxin level, so if you have not been clean at all the drink might not work as well as you expect. Secondly, no product should be consumed twice. Any detox product should be consumed at a comfortable pace. The best resolution to this situation is to reschedule the test and get a different product – either a less thick detox drink or detox capsules; we offer a wide selection of both.