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  • October 25th, 2010

    A different kind of problem

    It is old news that urine tests are the most common drug tests out there. Many people have already developed sure ways to get through them by now, but for few there are still open questions – what to do and what not to do. With all the information out there it is tough to make a decision – what is right and what is false.

    -         Hi there, I need to know if I can drink a lot of water before my test or not.

    -         No sir, drinking a lot of fluids will dilute your sample and lower your creatine level so that the test will be inconclusive.

    -         Yeah, that’s what I thought, but a buddy of mine says he always drinks a lot of water the night before and it helps him, but I’m not too sure – he hasn’t worked in two years, so I doubt that he has taken any tests recently that he passed, you know what I mean? I do have another question for you though – what if I took whole bunch of creatine pills before the test, will that help?

    -         That will help with creatine level, but not with toxins.

    -         Oh, ok. But all these products – don’t they have creatine in them?

    -         Of course, but only the right amount, so you don’t get sick, but the urine levels will be normal.

    -         What if it’s not enough? Or what if it’s too much – then what?

    -         It will be exactly the right amount – these products are intended to make you pass.

    -         Ok, but what if the test shows too much creatine? I don’t want to seem rude, but I’d like to know all possible outcomes. On my last test they told me I had high creatine in my urine.

    -         I understand. Elevated levels of creatine usually do not bring any suspicion – it may be an indication of very concentrated urine, consumption of red meat or excessive exercise, unless the levels are extremely abnormal.

    -         Ok, but with your detox stuff I shouldn’t worry about anything, right?

    -         That’s right – our products have helped many happy people and are guaranteed by manufacturers.

    How to pass