July 2nd, 2012
A way to hide
Some situations are more confusing than others, but it is always good when people understand their own mistakes.
- Hi, can you answer a question? I think I need to talk to a professional, because I may have messed up. You see, I am in a little situation here, and I get at-home drug testing pretty regularly. Not every day, but randomly, I can never know when it is going to happen. So anyway, the other day I had an idea, which now I do not think that it was such a great one. I figured that if I used a stronger drug it will knock out the other one – I know opiates are much stronger than marijuana, so I got some pills to help me pass a marijuana test – my friend is recovering after a surgery, so he shared some strong ones with me. So when they came next time – I was prepared. I had to test clean for pot, otherwise I would be in big trouble, but I figured I can say that I ate a poppy-seed bagel if pills came up. But little did I know that the detection time is different and pot stays in your system like forever, but pills you piss out almost on the next day! So now I have to get clean, completely clean, and fast. I need a very good marijuana cleansing. I saw this 7 Day product on your web here – will that clean me out from everything, or does it work only for certain drugs? Oh! It says it right here – all toxins. Great! Send me a pack of that, may be two, so I can start right away and stay clean from all that crap!