June 15th, 2010
Am I different?
How do toxins enter your body? What is the exact reason why it will stay in your body for longer? Or maybe in your case it would be different?
- I have a test coming up, and I was wondering if I will be good to pass it.
- When was the last time you used, and what was it?
- Oh, it’s pot, I smoke just once in a while, not everyday, and I’m a pretty skinny person and all…
- When did you last smoke?
- Oh, it was like four-five days ago.
- And when is your test?
- My test is in a couple days – I just had an interview and need to go there before I start, which is next week.
- You will need to use a detox product on your test day, you won’t be able to pass is on your own.
- Yeah, I was actually wondering if it possible that I can. See, every time I smoke, I go to the bathroom like crazy. I mean, really, it makes me pee a lot! So, do you think that it is flushed out of my body as I consume it? Is there a change that it does not stay in my body at all?
- When you smoke, do you feel the effects from it?
- Well, yeas, of course!
- In that case it cannot be flushed out as you consume it, right? In addition, THC is fat-soluble, so it cannot be flushed out by water. Perhaps, when you smoke your mouth gets dry and you consume plenty of fluids, and that’s what makes you urinate a lot. Get a home-testing device and found out for sure, but I can pretty much guarantee that without any products you will test positive.Customer called back a couple hours later and purchased a detox kit for a urine drug test. THC does not leave a body easy – it stays with you for a while, regardless of number of times that you go to the bathroom. Always test yourself to be prepared before your test.